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Connection to the Body Jessica Berg Connection to the Body Jessica Berg

People Seeking Transformation, Growth & Healing Often Miss This Critical Key Step: Connection to the Body

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, working women often juggle multiple roles—career builders, family caretakers, and community contributors. Amidst these demanding responsibilities, the pursuit of personal growth, healing, and transformation can sometimes feel like a distant goal. Yet, many women seeking these transformative changes miss a critical key step: connection to the body.

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Connection to the Body Jessica Berg Connection to the Body Jessica Berg

Building Love for Our Bodies at Every Age, Shape & Size

This blog explores the importance of building a loving and accepting relationship with our bodies at every age, shape, and size. It emphasizes the need to shift from viewing the body as separate to seeing it as an integral part of ourselves, fostering a connection through mindfulness, movement, and self-care. By appreciating the body's incredible functions and moving away from societal pressures of aesthetics, we can cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and holistic well-being.

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