The Power of Three: Maintaining Boundaries and Priorities for a Balanced Life
When working with clients, a common challenge that comes up is maintaining boundaries consistently over time. It’s one thing to set boundaries, but it’s another to keep them in place week after week. One habit I’ve found invaluable—and practice myself—is starting the week with three clear priorities.
Here’s why the number three is so powerful: it’s manageable, not overwhelming, yet still effective. Starting each week with your top three priorities allows you to stay focused without feeling intimidated by a long list. These three priorities can be entirely work-related, but to create a more well-rounded week, consider including at least one priority that supports your wellness, personal growth, or development.
Below is the process I’ve followed for years that has been proven and successful (and yes, I realize that I talk about the Power of 3, yet my process is 5 items…it’s just how this cookie crumbled, so embrace it).
1. Define Your Ideal Week:
Before diving into your priorities, outline what your ideal week looks like. Maybe you want to start work at 8:30 a.m. and wrap up by 4:00 p.m. (or less hours:)), allowing flexibility where needed. Identify your "no zones"—specific times you shut off work to protect your personal time. These boundaries are essential for creating a structure that supports balance.
2. Identify Your Top Three Priorities:
Once you have your ideal structure in place, decide on the three priorities that will guide your week. These should be the tasks or goals you want to focus on the most. Whether they’re all work-related or you mix in something personal, make sure these priorities align with what matters most to you.
3. Let Your Priorities Give You Permission to Push Back & Adjust:
We’ve all seen it - our day is going as planned and then out of left field a massive fire drill happens and it becomes an all-hands on deck situation. In tech/agency, this happens weekly. When the flaming fireball does come flying over the fence in your direction, this is where the power of priorities can come into play. It allows you to assess the situation and determine 1) your involvement and 2) what priorities get adjusted. Either you determine the new fire drill isn’t of higher importance than your predetermined priorities - this allows you to push back and/or delegate with confidence. OR you determine you need to be driving the new situation and in that case, it allows you negotiate your priorities. This doesn’t mean you tackle the new situation AND your predetermined list of priorities…it means you shuffle and reprioritize. Maybe one of the original priorities gets moved to next week in order to make space for the new item - this allows you to then confidently push back on anyone associated with the item that needs to get reprioritized. It doesn’t mean that you do it all and sacrifice your balance.
4. Commit to Your Priorities Daily:
Dedicate time each day to move these priorities forward. Life happens—unexpected tasks and fire drills will come up—but by keeping these three priorities in focus, you can maintain your boundaries more easily. If a new task comes your way, you’ll be in a better position to negotiate. Maybe it can wait until next week, or perhaps it can replace one of your existing priorities.
5. Align Weekly Priorities with Long-Term Goals:
For an added layer of structure, consider how your weekly priorities align with your larger goals. Look at your goals for the quarter or year and ensure that your weekly priorities are stepping stones toward those bigger objectives. Break your big rocks—your major goals—into smaller, more manageable tasks that you can tackle each week. This alignment ensures that your daily and weekly efforts contribute to your broader vision.
By consistently applying the power of three, you create a focused, manageable approach to your week that supports both your professional and personal life. This strategy not only helps you stay within your boundaries but also allows for a more balanced and fulfilling life.
Here’s to more flow and ease in your days by owning your focus and respecting your boundaries.